April 16, 2015

I colour skin with only 2 copics!

Someone asked how I colour with copics so I thought I would give a tutorial a go! I use very simple techniques and I am 
But it's fun.
My favourite fair skin colour is done using E50 and E20. I use both Ciao copics and Sketch. Someone one said that they didn't stock Ciaos because they were for children! Firstly how rude, and secondly not true! They work perfectly. And like any art, there is no right or wrong way, it's your way! The image I am colouring is from Aurora Wings, Marie Antoinette.

So I first begin with my base, E50. I's not a large are and I fill it in quickly so it doesn't leave streaks. It is only in larger areas that I will do continuous circles with the pen to prevent colouring in marks, but as I always go over with quite a few layers I don't tend to have this issue. I'm also leaving the shoulders bare as i think it should be clothes not skin, but that is up to you!
Just a basic colouring of all skin. Then I add E21 for shading. I shade under the hair line, around the eyes, under the nose and lip, the cheek line, ears, neck and in creases and some edges.
Looks dodgy I know! So I go over all the skin and saturate it with my E50.
As you can see the lines are blended in a bit more. But it's still not enough! So I repeat with the shading and blending another two times, or more, until I'm happy. 
I will use my E50 last and I will go over the shaded parts ONLY to give them one last blend and it leaves a tiny highlight on the parts I don't go over. I really love to saturate my paper and it does affect the end result as you shade and blend over wet paper. (It has to be blending paper though! And I have never had it disintegrate under my deluge of ink!)
And so that's how I do skin in 2 colours. I will add a little more facial colour after I have done the rest. I leave this last because I like to do eyes, lips and cheeks in colours that will be complemented by the rest of the image. Have a great day all! Please feel free to ask any questions!!

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